We believe that a company’s business growth goes from bloom, blossom, and breed.
We offer our clients customized training, coaching, and consulting services according to their business stage.

We appreciate that growth cannot be realized in six months; therefore, our business growth solutions are programs that range from six months to twelve months.
Services are customized according to the business stage:
Clients in Bloom Size 1 – 50 employees

The business requires to increase revenue to acquire clients/customers to become profitable

Need for increased sales

Need to increase client base

High costs

Low profitability

Low cash flows

Increasing sales to gain profitability

Consistently producing and fulfilling on core product or service to gain client confidence

Building functional business processes

Embedding compliance practices

Once-off workshops on revenue growth strategies; documenting and mapping functional process. 

Six-month ongoing coaching and support to implement and monitor revenue growth strategies and enhance business functions processes 

Twelve-month coaching and support to implement and monitor revenue growth strategies enhance business functions processes

Clients in Blossom Size 10 – 100 employees

The business has grown and requires setting culture, embedding internal controls, and defining functional processes to manage high performance

Business will not run without owner day-to-day involvement for the last three years

Need for robust systems to support Rapid growth in revenue / Clients/headcount

Great potential for operational expansion

New market opportunities

Removing reliance on owner

Building functional core systems, performance management systems and internal control

Creating an engaged accountable workforce and developing effective leaders to drive accountability in the organization

Creating an engaged accountable workforce and developing effective leaders to drive accountability in the organization

Accountability builder to create an engaged workforce that is aligned to achieving the organizational Key Results

Eliminating waste from business processes

Soft skills for managers/supervisors

Clients in Breeding Stage - +R5m Annual Revenue

The business has grown and embedded functional processes and internal controls. It requires alternative/new scalable models (franchise, license)

Needed expertise for the business to grow under franchising or license deals

Expand the business to branches to run autonomously

Consultations on market expansion



VCITA Business Management APP

Servicing 1.4M SMEs in 100+ countries worldwide since 2010

We also offer a one-in-all business platform for service-oriented businesses to digitize their day-to-day business running, eliminating manual admin tasks, improving cashflows, managing client appointments and engagements.

The all-in-one business management tool powered by Vcita enables our clients to build a business they’re proud of. Our clients manage clients, appointments & payments from one single app.


Amed we are – to Business Growth Consultants (BCG), Performance and Culture Transformation Specialist (PCT) and Professional Skills Trainers (PST)

T: +27-79-299-6808


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